Thursday, May 27, 2010

How Do I Cancel My Kates Playground

Sculptural and dramatic collection P / E of Katie Gallagher, inspired by the drama of Butoh dancers and the high-tech world of cyberpunk classics as Neuromancer by William Gibson.

The collection focuses cuts and sharp lines che esagerano la personalità dei capi. Viene utilizzata una gran varietà di tessuti, tra pelli trattate e cashmere mescolato con jersey lavato, lycra stretch ed organza di seta.

“I don’t believe that fashion is the end goal; stories, personalities, moods, ideals, and attitudes are. Fashion, when executed successfully, communicates these attributes quickly and eloquently”.

(per vedere la collezione A/I, clikkami.)

Colleen Baran launched the project "Ring a day." These experiments with line, form and color. The exploration of ideas as a sketchbook daily. "This project will be about ideas and more fun then commercial work."

also for our beloved goldfish is time to move furniture, Teddy Luong creates Fishcondo, minimal and modern version of the glass bubble goldfish.

sixteenth ants invade the town of Drachten in the Netherlands, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the theater De Lawe. The ants measure three meters in length and two meters wide created by Henk Hofstra's .

Here the music ... that of experimental indie pop Grasscut , and here is the video of the new single "The Door in the Wall" which will be released in a few days.

you soon!


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