Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Density Of Cokking Oil

The cult of the avant-garde and retail locations looking retro game

collection with a P / E 11 Damir Doma , developed a style reminiscent of the Slavic nomadic, the draped figures, volumes and planes make up a light straight-edge fashion tends towards a melancholy quest for fluency.

Doma explores contemporary masculinity, with layers of sheer fabrics, draped silhouette and comes in many shades of gray.

"I guess I have a quite artistic approach to fashion. When I think of a piece of clothing I imagine it as a sculpture. When I love clothes start to move, When clothes start breathing! "

On a completely different route runs "Mixtape" watch created by EOS , the dial is equipped with two moving disks that run as a real tape!

have a stamp of your photos instantly it is now possible thanks to Jinhee Kim, who created "Stampy Digital Camera, which offers the possibility of creating a rubber-stamp your photos .

Ivan Navarro through his work reflects on unresolved aspects of minimalism, involve the viewer and highlight the social and political factors that are within the composition.

Tristan Perich created "1-bit symphony, symphony program is made directly to the microchips that emit sounds from 1-bit. You can listen directly from custiodia inserting microchip that contains the headphone input.

Tristan Perich: 1-Bit Symphony (Part 1: Overview) from Tristan Perich on Vimeo .

you soon!


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