Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tv Center Pro Numero De Serie


Yes, because even the cube is the box. No?

Despite Gospel Fest, which is now running out, these days I'm slowing down a bit ', and in a round top and a press release, I can finally play with the gifts of Mother London.

Ve remember that thread of the abundance of pottery? Here, despite bellobello even so, I could not resist and I undone. Abundance of all different colors (I love that green!) And rectangular in ottronzo, who were clinging to a sweater that I just donated (I told you also here, I think it's down to buy apparel with metal components, just to be able to reuse them?).

Thank you for your participation in a drawing by This is London of Miroslav Sasek , entered by force in my top five books preferiterrimi. Mica for the "plot", oh well.


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