Monday, December 1, 2008

Buy Luna Lion Head Hat

Why 'Buy semettere

- lower risk of cancer, stroke and respiratory diseases for you and your family;
- less cough, flu and colds;
- less bronchitis and other respiratory diseases in your children;
- your heart and Your lungs will have a full recovery in a relatively short time;
- more resistance in activities and sports;
- better ability to concentrate and mental performance.

- personal satisfaction to have won an important test;
- feeling of freedom to no longer be affected by a physical and psychological dependence.

- teeth white skin and fresher breath pleasant, more pleasant smell in the house, cars and clothing.

- good example for your children, grandchildren and friends.
- model healthy behavior for those who work in schools or in health, in respect of pupils or patients.

- saving much money.

20 minutes after smoking the last cigarette, your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature are normalized Zano when nicotine is eliminated from ' body;
24 hours later, the levels of carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal and circulation improves;
few days after the circulation of blood in the lungs returns to normal - the taste of things is again appreciated;
few weeks after the coughing is reduced or disappears and breathing improves - you begin to feel taste in having stopped smoking;
after 12 months, the lungs are again efficient and the risk of heart disease is halved;
after 5 years the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder is reduced by half;
5-10 years after the risk of lung cancer is significantly reduced and the risk of stroke becomes the same as a person who has not never smoked;
every day your teeth become whiter, the skin fresher and the unpleasant odor of hair and clothes will disappear.

To eliminate the risk of cancer (remember that one in three cancer is caused by smoking), we need more time: 10 to 15 years. Search for "play" this excess risk as soon as possible: it is known that the frequency of cancer increases with age: first stop smoking, the lower this "train" inevitable risk.


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