Monday, December 8, 2008

Everyday Minerals Grams

What self-care Zerosmoke

Zerosmoke ® is patented an innovative therapy that combines the advantages of good systems already used in acupuncture and auricular, but adds a technology that is yielding excellent results (over 80%) in the treatment of dissuefazione smoke.

is known to medical science that the auricular acupuncture and by stimulating certain points on the ear induce the neurotransmitters to produce endorphins, the same that produces the smoker inhaling nicotine.
producing endorphins in the same way an alternative to the nicotine cravings and consequently the dependence is decreasing to zero within 6-7 days.

Zerosmoke The two magnets are positioned in an area ear, attracting between them exert a stimulating pressure that activates the programmed neurotransmitters to produce endorphins, reducing the urge to smoke.
The magnets are covered in gold is because it is one of the best conductors in nature, and because it is a noble and precious material does not cause any type of allergy.

The method is complemented by manual containing the instructions and guidance for the first month with a non-smoker developed CENTER EUROPEAN SMOKE.
The information in it, there are also guidelines prepared from Arizona Smokers Helpline from the University of Arizona Tobacco Education and Prevention Program Arizona Department of Health Services. Together forming a highly effective for those who decided to quit smoking. Approved as a Medical Device by the Department of American Health.
is a medical device CE.


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