Simone Weil: The Shadow and Grace
punishment God, through infinite time and the thickness of the species, to reach the soul and seduce her. If you let it rip, just for a moment, a pure and full consent, then God conquest. And when it has become something entirely his own, to leave her. The left totally alone. And she, in turn, but to scramble to cross the thickness of infinite time and space in search of him that she loves. Thus the soul goes back in reverse the journey that God has done to her. And this is the cross.
Two forces reign over the universe: light and heavy.
There is a single fault, not having the ability to live on light. Why, abolished this capacity, all the faults are possible.
It is surprising that the pain is not nobility. Why, when you think of an unhappy, you think of his misery. But the unfortunate does not think of his misery, he has filled the soul of any relief that the slightest wish is granted.
As a gas, the soul tends to occupy all the space they are given.
from human misery to God but not as a compensation or consolation. As correlation.
"Give me a fulcrum and I will move the world." This is the cross point of support. Not there may be others. I must it is at the crossroads of the world and what is not the world. The cross is this intersection.
We must cross - and God before us, to come up to us, because he comes first - the thickness of infinite time and space. In the relationship between God and man, love is as large as possible. It is great as the distance that He must be overcome.
Two conceptions of hell. The common (suffering without consolation) my (false bliss, believing in heaven by mistake).
be anything to be your true place in the whole.
Among humans, it fully recognizes the existence of only those we love.
Evil is the unlimited, but it is not infinite.
Only the infinite limit the unlimited.
In general, do not want the disappearance of any of its misery, but for the grace that transfigure. The size of the Supreme
Christianity comes from the fact that it does not seek a supernatural remedy against suffering but a supernatural use of suffering.
algebra and money are essentially levelers; the first intellectually, the more indeed.
Love, in the happy, is willing to share the suffering of the beloved happy. The love, who is unhappy, is to be full of bare notion of happiness of the beloved, without participating in this happiness, and even desirable to participate.
Our life is impossible, absurd. Everything we want is inconsistent with the conditions or the consequences for, any statement that implies we pronounce the claim to the contrary, all our feelings are confused with their opposites. Because we are creatures of contradiction, for we are God, and at the same time, infinitely more to God
The man wants to be selfish and can not. This is the most striking character of his misery and the source of his greatness.
We would like everything that he had eternal value. Now, all that has value is the product of a meeting after meeting and takes over when what they had encountered separates. [...] The meditation on the case which did meet my father and my mother is even healthier than death. Is there a single thing in me that does not have its origin in that meeting? Only God And my idea of \u200b\u200bGod has its origin in the encounter.
Is not it the greatest misfortune, when you are fighting against God, to not be won?
Nothing on earth can take away the power to say I do.
If there were, in this world, the misery, we might believe in heaven.
effort to replace growing worldwide effective non-violence to violence.
We are what is most remote from God, to the extreme, which is not totally impossible, however, return to him. In our being, God is torn. We are the crucifixion of God, God's love for us is a passion. How good could love without suffering evil? Also suffers from bad to love the good. The mutual love of God and man is suffering.
only task we have the experience of the good.
One has the experience of evil to do it only prohibits, or, if it was made, or repentance.
When you do evil, you do not know, because evil flees the light.
All sins are attempts to fill with empty.
empty, you are exposed to all the pressure of the universe around us.
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