Thursday, March 18, 2010

Does Herpes Have To Have A Prodrome?

A republic founded on television Giancristiano Desire

to Year Zero, but we are not year zero. All in all, there is not much difference.
twenty years we have to do with Santoro, Samarkand, the square, sandroruotolo, protest and the draft of direct democracy or democracy "live". There are twenty
sorbate Berlusconi, the lullaby cultural hegemony of the Communists, the allotment, the RAI-Mediaset duopoly (which many years ago was called Fininvest), the interference of the courts in the election campaign. It is a show already seen countless times. The political struggle and anti-political control of the television box
broke the boxes. Sorry for the excessive frankness of language, but this teleelettorale meatloaf has gone bad in real time,
However, we can not get rid of it. The big trouble is that the struggle for the audiovisual and virtual box invade real life and tends to believe that all power
- it would be better to call the state - is there, in those twenty-eight or thirty-two-inch analog and digital. We have become a democracy based on the television and can not be surprised if Italy slips into the bottom of all rankings of the world for economic freedom and morality. Busy as we are to see the world only in
tivvù we simply lost sight of reality.
Berlusconi and Santoro are the Big Brothers of our democracy. Make a small effort of memory. There seem to remember that the clash today is already aired a couple of times? Santoro can not remember when he opened his broadcast era - the green ray - Beautiful singing hello? And remember the call live
Knight, then president of the Council just like today, it was a swollen river and drew Santoro order of state television?
"Santoro - said the head of government is too passionate - I remind you that this is a public service and she is an employee of the public service." Perhaps, at the time everything seemed epic, perhaps, a bit 'all have the idea that we were fighting a battle postmodern critical to our freedom: one is freedom of criticism and commentary (and satire) and the other the freedom government from the attacks without interruption from the media circus, and circus-
judiciary. We all believe in lies. Because if they were serious things were, willingly or not, face and somehow accommodated. Instead, they change governments, change the board of directors of RAI,
change broadcasts and even - though it seems - the wires, but nothing changes in there and down here: Berlusconi and Santoro, perfectly level playing field, are still fighting among themselves and against us.
I wonder if there is another country in the world where there is such a thing as Cda Rai. I wonder if there is another country in the world in which both the Board of Supervisors and a level playing field and the ban of the talk show during the election campaign. There appears to be another democracy in the world with Berlusconi and Santoro. The Knight case is quite unique, not because there are no political television owners, but because
videocracy Berlusconi takes a long time and the logic that drives the theater television advertising Berlusconi has now revealed his bluff. Michele Santoro is also a rarity to Italian: every transmission living room TV is the popularization of Marxist false consciousness of those who govern and that, by definition, is guilty. Twenty years in a fist fight for control of video and
us who see them get angry and we are done with imbufalirsi believe their lies and virtual. We can not più.Vogliamo a country without a level playing field, without the board and supervision, without a prime minister who cares about schedules, without journalists, revolutionaries and decorated to the value antiberlusconiano.
We want what once was described as a normal country. But you can only see on television


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